Author Topic: Red Dead Redemption 2  (Read 7861 times)


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Red Dead Redemption 2
« on: November 07, 2019, 07:23:54 PM »
First time in a LONG time I've purchased a full priced "AAA" title..

Gotta' say.. pretty sweet game. Very in depth compared to a lot of past 'in depth' games I have played.

Having to feed yourself, the horse you ride...keep a relationship with the horse to 'level' it up; keeping track of how good/bad of a person you are for your reputation. Robberies, or even Stopping robberies from what I gather..
Open world, but very linear...To be honest there's almost too much to boast about for this game.

To be frank, I thought it would be a bit underwhelming; considering I hate buying games over 40$ MAX.

You few older gentleman look into this game at all? If you're looking for something fun, and almost Western-Old-Days-Simulator-like.. it's a good choice.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption 2
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2019, 12:25:54 AM »
I have not. I have seen the commercials on TV. It looks like a
lot of work and time you have to invest.
I don`t remember trying anything similar either but I am more of a shoot em up kind of guy.
I do what I can.

If a man, standing in the forest says something, and his wife isn't there to correct him, is he still wrong??


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Re: Red Dead Redemption 2
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2019, 04:49:07 AM »
It looks like a lot of work and time you have to invest.

I don`t remember trying anything similar either but I am more of a shoot em up kind of guy.

The game itself definitely takes quite a bit of time to 'beat' .. but the progression of the game really is all about talking to a person marked on your map; which usually takes you straight into the mission with a cutscene, but not always..traveling is required; and following the directions the game gives you. Sometimes it can be confusing, but it's more-or-less really linear.

As for the game-play style; sure.. it's a bit of story, and filler now-and-then...but a majority of it from the couple days I've been playing has been Hunting (bow/guns) .. defending myself (guns) .. robbing people (bow/guns/bluffing/etc) .. or just kicking someones ass in a fist fight because someone shoulder bumped the other in passing and started a quarrel. Lmao

All in all, it's a shoot'em up, with some flavor on it. I'd recommend trying to find some basic game-play videos, granted PC port was just released on the 5th of this month.

If you're at all interested in Western-esque anything.. it's got what you're looking for. Also, a good story driven game does the gamer good IMO. The investment in the story, and your character is half of the fun in these types of games. Not to mention, in Red Dead Redemption 2, your Horse is a huge investment.. having to "bond" with it over time for perks was a really cool idea that I like. I am more careful with what I do with my horse than keeping my guns clean, which also can effect game-play mechanics... Like I said in the Original Post, this game has a LOT... it may seem like a crap ton to delve into..but for the first time in a while this a game I feel is worth the price. Rockstar really has outdone themselves.

Funny side-note...this game has been out for a year. Since I don't have a console I'm learning all of this crap from the get-go. Cool stuff, man. Cool stuff.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption 2
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2019, 07:42:43 PM »
I am looking at Red Dead Redemption 2 with interest, of course.

Do you plan to set up a Posse for online play?

Been playing on and off with some buddies this last week or two.. Mostly helping out with one of their posse's so I haven't really touched much of the online-play other than missions to help them out.

If you pick it up, feel free to let me know. Only issue only days I'm free all day are Wednesday, and Thursday. Rest of the week I'm not on the computer until ~12-1AM EST.
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