Author Topic: Map Update - Sanitation Smoothie  (Read 1868 times)


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Map Update - Sanitation Smoothie
« on: January 02, 2021, 11:10:19 PM »
exactly 5 years after release, this update will make the map more playable, but also more random.

Changes made: primary spawn groups now are 3-way random for each difficulty level. Previously they were either there or not, predictable. so that made the map actually more difficult.

To compensate, I reduced the chance for the first 5 spawns from 45% to 30%, I removed about 25% of the AI in the initial area before the tunnel, as that was where most of us usually died. I also upped the difficulty trigger for medium from 5 to 6 players. The map now is 1-6-9. In my first test, I still saw 225 enemies going to the end at medium, so don't expect a cake walk. This is still a tough map and they will still kill us mostly before we get through the tunnel as those engagements are short range where they are lethal.

sanitation_smoothie - update 01-2-2021

Don't eat food off the sidewalk, no matter how good it looks.